About us
Edge Ministries is a gospel rescue mission reaching out to the most hurting and broken communities across the UK. We operate from our central hub in Chesterfield, offering hope and help through dynamic Edge Centres both locally and across the UK. These centres, led and run by our Faith Community and friends, stand as beacons of hope and transformation- we are people being church every day.
Edge Centres are springing up across the UK and we are continually working with a wide variety of churches and leaders to catalyse transformation through our biblical model of bringing faith to life and action. Providing a space for individuals to belong and find purpose, our collective focus is on the forgotten places and the most vulnerable in our society – the hurting, lost, and broken.

Our vision is clear and profound:
To proclaim the message of Jesus Christ and create communities of hope and help in the most broken and forgotten places across the UK.

Gospel Rescue Coalition
William Booth once said: “You cannot warm the hearts of people with God’s love if they have an empty stomach and cold feet”, our experience is that this is spot on. To rescue people means introducing them to Christ AND helping them practically, so we do this by addressing the tough issues of life head on, such as poverty, hunger, addiction, lack of purpose, and family breakdown. Our Edge Centres bring hope and help through expert advice and targeted projects, and we are seeing significant, positive, sustainable change in people’s lives.
The Edge network offers the tools required to create an Edge Centre, and Edge Faith Communities across the nation, autonomously governed yet covenanted together by a commitment to uplift and transform lives through simple structure, repeatable rhythm, and training tools.

Gospel Rescue Mission
At the heart of everything we do is a razor focus on sharing the good news of Jesus, because he is the one who transforms lives and brings hope. We are evangelists and care passionately about giving people an opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. You can book either Carl Beech, Karen Tullett or one of our team to come to your area or event to preach the gospel, share stories of hope and help, or to give advice and inspiration about what an Edge Centre could look like in your area.