Carl Beech is the pioneer and visionary behind Edge Ministries and the Edge Faith Community and its associated network of churches. He is also the president of Christian Vision for Men (CVM), voluntary CEO of Spotlight YOPD, and founded the men’s festival called “The Gathering.” He is a sought-after keynote speaker for missions, after dinner talks, churches, festivals, church weekends, events, and corporate events, speaking to thousands of men and women around the world each year about the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.

Formerly a banker, church planter, youth worker and senior pastor of a large multi-congregational church. On the Councils formerly of the EA, and currently of Proclaim Trust, Restored and CreationFest. Founder of Sober Leader and pioneering a new discipleship movement called “New Nazarites”. Passionate about taking the gospel to the most deprived and broken communities in the UK and overseas. Author of numerous books and founder of the Codelife movement. Podcaster and broadcaster/commentator on faith.

Married to Karen B since 1994 with two adult daughters, one granddaughter and another grandchild on the way. Enjoys sporting challenges and has run the London, Snowdonia and Chesterfield Marathons, cycled from Lands End to John O’Groats, Calais to Nice, the length of Italy and Port Elizabeth to Cape Town! He also loves gardening, music, art, and hanging out with friends and family.

Carl fulfils a large number of bookings each year and whilst he speaks at large events is equally happy at smaller and more intimate gatherings. He particularly likes to support events in areas of deprivation.

Carl is not currently taking bookings for speaking engagements.


Karen Tullett is emerging as a popular and engaging communicator, with growing experience as keynote speaker at events, churches, missions, and youth stuff.

An alumnus of WTC Theology, she holds graduate diplomas in Kingdom Theology, and Church Planting & Leadership, as well as a master’s degree in Health Psychology from King’s College London, and an undergraduate degree in Child & Adolescent Psychology. Alongside all that studying Karen has worked in childcare, schools work, the care sector, and most recently supporting survivors of Human Trafficking across Scotland. She followed Gods call and moved from her home and family in Essex to plant a church in Port Glasgow, Scotland before eventually settling in Chesterfield to work with Edge Ministries.

Karen heads up Christian Vision for Women and sits on the board of Trustees at Made For More Chelmsford, and Love Stoke Church. She is particularly interested in opportunities to preach the gospel and see people find the freedom that comes only from knowing Jesus.

To book Karen for your event, please use the contact form below and we will be in touch to discuss it further with you.

BOOK Testimony speakers

Across the Edge Faith Community we have a bunch of blokes and women who have incredible stories of lives transformed through faith in Jesus. Addictions, CPTSD, convictions & jail time, drug dealing, family bereavements, illnesses, chronic conditions… and more.

If you are interested in having a chat about booking someone from our team to share their story at your event, please use the contact form below and we will be in touch with you.

Please complete the form below: