Edge Faith Community
We are people being church every day and have a lot of fun serving and loving our community. At the heart of our mission, everything points to the table, and the table points to Christ. In our Edge centres we embody this principle by committing to live out our faith through service- becoming the hands and feet of Jesus for those around us. As we serve others, we learn more about the way Jesus taught us to live, and we get to see the power of kindness and joy in action every day.
Our Rhythm
We’ve established a simple rhythm that encapsulates serving the community, worship, bible teaching, prayer, and vibrant community life, with each of our centres participating in coordinated activities that include:

Communion meals
Every other Thursday each centre hosts a bring-and-share meal, we break bread and hear a short gospel message, then feast! This is a core part of our community, we share food, faith, and life and everyone has something to bring: Everything points to the table and the table points to Christ.
Bible Teaching
Fortnightly on alternating Thursday evenings, we dive into the scriptures together with sessions specifically designed to help us live out what Jesus taught in our own real lives. Whether you’ve just met Jesus or been walking with him for decades our bible studies are open to all.
Simple Rule of Life
We follow a simple rule of life called “stuff we do,” it’s there to guide our actions and decisions in a way that honours our commitment to Christ and to each other. We suggest 4 basic guidelines and encourage people add more of their own as they feel led and challenged by the Lord.
Edge Covenant
Once embedded into the community for 6-12 months we invite those who want to to make a formal commitment to belong. This involves making what we call the Edge Covenant- a serious promise to serve God, serve the community and live a life of grace, peace, kindness, and humility.
Weekly Sabbath
We follow Jesus’ example and choose a day each week to rest, delight, and enjoy life. Many of us choose to do this on a Sunday but if that doesn’t fit your schedule, any 24 hour period works.
Prayer & Worship
Once a month we provide this powerful opportunity to join together & spend time telling God we think he’s great as well as praying over the people and communities we serve.
Daily Prayer
At 11:00am every day we down tools and take a moment to focus on the Lord. Someone from the leadership team sends a thought out via WhatsApp and people choose how they engage with that.
Volunteer to Serve
Serving is a key part of worship and belonging to the Edge Faith Community, we commit to serve the wider community sharing the love of Jesus and spreading hope.
Our Vision for the Centres
Our centres are designed to be places of extravagant hope, generosity, peace, and joy. We are committed to operating from a place of rest, ensuring a balanced schedule that respects a weekly Sabbath day, spreading our activities to avoid overwhelming our evenings and maximizing time to hang out, be with others, and invite people in with zero expectations on behaviour or participation. Our vision is for people to feel welcome, and find warmth, food, good chat, and access to any help they might need when they visit our centres.

Join us
We invite you to be part of our community, whether through participating in our weekly rhythms, volunteering in one of our projects, or popping in for a meal, get in touch to arrange a visit or pop in to one of our centres. We are relentlessly optimistic, fiercely anti-consumerism, full of kindness, peace, and joy… Come on in- the kettle is always on!

Make a lasting impact by donating to our cause. Your financial support is crucial in helping us continue our work and expand our reach. Every donation, no matter the size, contributes.
Join our team of passionate volunteers and be at the heart of our mission. Whether it’s hands-on work in our projects or providing support behind the scenes, your contribution will have an impact.
Collaborate for a greater impact by partnering with our charity. Together, we can innovate, reach wider audiences, and create sustainable change. Let’s unite our visions and efforts.
Join our mission by becoming a fundraiser! Whether it’s hosting a community even or running a marathon, play a role in supporting our cause. Every effort, big or small, brings us one step closer.