Tupton Edge Centre

Our chapel and house of worship

About the Centre

Tupton Edge Centre is a focused rescue mission providing a range of support for people on the edge of society, a beacon of hope for the most hurting and broken.

Want to visit us?

If you want to visit us, get in touch below and a member of our team will reach out to you!

About Tupton Edge Centre

Our Tupton building began life as a thriving Evangelical church, but when attendance numbers dwindled it was clear the Lord was moving in a new way so the courageous leadership decided to hand the keys of the building over to Carl Beech. Edge jumped at the generous chance to take on the building and began operating a rescue mission from this location, we have been serving the community of Tupton and proclaiming the good news of Jesus there ever since!

About the Tupton Area

A small ex-mining village of about 3.5 thousand people. Many people living in Tupton are classed as ‘working poor’, with most residents living hand to mouth working low level manual jobs such as labouring, factory work, or cleaning.

The CDRC’s Index of Multiple Deprivation identifies Tupton as a mixture of second and fourth most deprived decile across England, that’s the bottom 20/40% in areas such as housing, education, health, and employment.

Tupton Edge Centre is overseen by our Chesterfield leadership team:

Andrea Hutchinson, Karen Tullett, Steve Martin, Carl Beech, Gemma Carneiro, Katie Meadows, & Lee Tuttle.

Andrea Hutchinson

Centre Co-Ordinator

Andrea Hutchinson oversees the operational tasks of the building and holds the day-to-day responsibility of running the centre, she lives in Tupton with her husband and two children who attend local schools. She has a fierce passion for justice, Jesus, and serving the local community. She is originally from Sweden and a hardcore Spirite!

What we offer at our Tupton Centre


A hot cup of tea or coffee, cakes and toast
Fridays 10am-12:30pm
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Baby & toddler Group
Mondays 9-11am
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For all local schools
Pop-up events once a term- items available on request, come in to see us or email tupton.uniform@ edgeministries.net
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Free warm coats for anyone
Help yourself from our rack anytime- no questions asked
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Get in touch

Interested in finding out more about our centre? Or do you have a question? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible.